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Home » Best 6 varieties of fresh seafood to eat on New Year’s Eve

Best 6 varieties of fresh seafood to eat on New Year’s Eve

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2022 is going to end soon. And maybe you’re craving some seafood. And searching to buy the best fish online in Qatar. There are many types of seafood out there and they all taste great when they’re cooked properly. Now, this doesn’t mean you have to be confined to seafood like steaks or oily fish. So in this article, we’ve put together 6 varieties of seafood that will surely take your taste buds on an epic journey.


King Fish: Kingfish is the king of the ocean. It is a type of fish that is known for its ability to live in water and air at the same time. It can swim faster than any other fish, and it’s also bigger than any other fish. And of course, it will taste better than any other fish. Nothing can beat this Low Calorie, High Nutrient Kingfish. Fried or Grilled, this fish is guaranteed to give your mouth a feast. Buy kingfish online from our website and enjoy the great taste.


Salmon: Salmon is a nutrient-dense, protein-rich fish that’s high in Omega 3 fatty acids. And it’s also delicious! It’s also a great source of heart-healthy EPA and DHA, as well as vitamin B12, which helps support brain health. Salmon is low in calories, with only 140 calories per 3-ounce serving. Salmon has other health benefits as well. This makes it an excellent choice for people who want to be far away from health problems.


Shrimps: Shrimps are a type of crustacean that can be found in the ocean. Shrimps are an amazing source of protein and can be used to make delicious dishes. They are small and can be found in many different colours, but most commonly, they are white or grey with blue stripes or spots. This simple one-bite dish is sure to bring the ocean to your mouth with its mild, sweet & salty flavour. Do check out our fresh shrimp from our website and add them to your cart.

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Seabass: Seabass is a delicious fish that is commonly used in seafood recipes. This fish is considered to be one of the most popular types of fish in the world. It has slightly bitter taste, but it can be easily disguised with other ingredients. This seafood can be prepared in many different ways, including searing, sautéing, broiling, poaching, and grilling. The most common way of preparing seabass is pan-searing.


Crab: Crab is a type of shellfish that can be found in the ocean. This seafood can be prepared in many ways. Some people prefer to eat boiled crab, while others prefer it steamed with ginger and black pepper. It can also be made into soup or served as an appetizer. Crab is very rich in protein and calcium, which makes it a good choice for people who want to build their muscles. Get fresh carbs delivered to your home, check our website for more info.


Butter Fish: Butterfish has very little meat and is generally boiled or steamed to get it ready for cooking. It is delicious and versatile that can be cooked in many different ways. You can bake it with potatoes and onions or wrap it in bacon and roast it for dinner. It is commonly referred to as the best tasting of all fish because it has a very mild flavour and texture.



When it comes to eating seafood, variety is more important than anything else. If you want to make a memorable New Year’s Eve dinner, then you must need to include seafood in your meals. Not only because of their taste but also because of their variety of vitamins, minerals and minerals that are necessary for our health. it’s a good way to maintain your health without fat fears. So what are you waiting for? Buy fish online in Qatar from the comfort of your home.

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